Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 5 - San Francisco Marathon "Training"

Every training cycle has weeks where it just doesn't work, for one reason or another. This week was like that for me - for several reasons. All I can do now is put this week behind me, do my best to forget and not dwell on it, and try again next week. As far as running is concerned, it can only get better from here =)

Week 5 Summary:

Total Mileage: 5
Average Pace: 10:01
Goals Achieved: 0 of 6 (it happens sometimes, see below)

Week 5 Details:

Monday: Rest Day
Tuesday: After a very stressful Mon/Tue at work, I was very wound up and very excited for my planned workout - intervals at the track followed by strength training. I jogged the 1 mile to the campus gym, smiled at the gym employee and said hello as a grabbed a towel and showed him my ID.

Employee (MBMOPT - middle-aged balding man on power trip): "That ID won't get you in - it doesn't have your picture on it."
Me: "Oh, you see I don't work on campus - so, I couldn't get to the ID office when they were open (4 hours a week, middle of the day) to get my picture taken. So, my husband got this one for me.
MBMOPT: "Still, can't let you in."
Me: "Here's my drivers license. See, it's actually my name on the ID." (I carry my drivers license to the gym for precisely this reason - gym employee on power trip).
MBMOPT: "Still, can't let you in."

At this point, I considered whether or not he might try to actually physically restrain me from running around the track. My stress level was so high, however, that I just couldn't deal with even testing it. Lest I start either a) crying in front of him or b) cursing at him in unbelievably poor language, I just walked away. I thought I may just go for a tempo run instead, but 0.25 miles later my stress level caught up with my body and I got
some terrible foot cramps. I limped home and spent the next few hours in the fetal position working out cramps. Wonderful workout.

Wednesday: Baby girl was sick so I stayed home with her. DH came home over lunch so I could get a run in (no time that evening, since we were leaving at 6pm to drive to San Francisco). The problem: at noon it was 85 degrees and sunny out. Have I mentioned I consider 65 degrees too warm to run? Anyway, I took it easy and managed 4 slow miles before I completely overheated.

I was so excited to be going to San Francisco! I packed the BOB, the Garmin, GU, fuel belt and planned out several routes I was going to run. Yay! This will be awesome...

Thursday: I woke up and noticed that my right ear felt like it needed to pop. I thought it was just from the drive over the hills the previous night. I went to my job interview (that went well, yay!) but felt worse when I came back - like I was hearing everything from under 3 feet of water. Then the pain started... and got worse and worse. Damn, definitely an ear infection. I've never had one as an adult - and I'm already crying for my baby the first time she gets one - they're that painful!
Friday - Sunday: Various states of discomfort due to ear infection - definitely not running. We ended up coming home a day early so we could drive at night again (worked wonderfully with the baby, she slept the whole way. What a doll!). I was so sad to unpack all of my clean, unused running clothes this morning. The trip, though, was a success overall. I believe I got a job and we found a place to live. As much as I like to focus on running, it clearly wasn't the most important thing last week =)

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